
tisdag 13 november 2012

My Scary Story First draft

The Haunted House

Once upon a time there was a girl who was called Brittany and she was going to be home alone, because her mom and dad were going to a party and they should be away until after midnight, her mom said.

When they had left Brittany should watch a horror movie about a a little girl in a haunted house.
When the movie had ended she would go brush her teeth, when she was done she heard a noise coming from upstairs, so she go upstairs and looked what it was but she didn’t se anything so she went down.

After a while she heard the same noise and it came from upstairs again but she didn’t go up because she thought that is was just their cat wich had overturned a book to the floor. 
So she went to bed, but suddenly she heard a scream coming from upstairs so she went upstairs and she saw something that was glimmering and was transparent so she got scared and was shaking like a leaf and ran down the stairs and called her mom and dad but the telephone line was broken.

She was screaming uncontrollably and the ghost came down and scared her more so she picked up a baseball bat and tried to hit the ghost but the ghost just laughed and smashed her in the face so she got a bruise on her cheek. Then the ghost just started to laugh and disappeared in the mist of the night. 

So she said to her mom and dad that she had been so scared of the ghost so she wanted to move away and sell the house, but they told her not to be silly. So they didn't move away, so after a few weeks she should be home alone again and when her mom and dad came home they found her dead upstairs hanging in a rope and they never knew whether she killed herself or not.

Jobs Done!!

torsdag 25 oktober 2012

torsdag 11 oktober 2012

Bikarbonat bullar


• 1 dl grahamsmjöl
• 1 1/2 dl vetemjöl
• 1/2 dl grovt rågmjöl
• 1/2 tsk salt
• 1/2 dl solroskärnor
• 1/4 dl linfrön
• 2 1/2 dl filmjölk
• 1/2 tsk bikarbonat
• 2 1/2 msk sirap

Gör så här

1. Blanda alla torra ingredienser i en bunke.
2. Blanda filmjölken och sirapen i en annan bunke.
3. Blanda i lite åtgången av de torra ingredienserna i filmjölken, rör om efter var gång.
4. När allt är blandat klickar ni ut lagom stora klickar på en bakplåtsklädd plåt.
5. Grädda i ugnen 175° i ca 10-15 min. De skall ej vara kladdiga när du sticker en provsticka i dem och de skall vara hårda på ytan.

Jag jobbade med Elina och det gick bra tycker jag vi delade upp arbetet 50/50.

tisdag 2 oktober 2012

Murder at Mortlock Hall

The book Murder at Mortlock Hall, is in England and it was about a hotel that a guy named Trevor Marshall has bought for many years ago. In his young years he worked in criminal business with some guys, and by that he has a lot of enemies, when he dies nobody know who have killed him.
Its a lots of people who are living there and one guy named Mark French who was married to Marshalls sister and she was really sick so Mark ask Marshall if he can get money from him to his sister.
Marshall says no and punch him in the face and says that i wont give you any more money, Mark came in to Marshalls office and screamed at him that he will kill him. So he is a suspect maybe the biggest suspect, and more i don't say. You just have to read it and it was really good!

fredag 28 september 2012

tisdag 25 september 2012


It's about a boy who is going to have an English exam, when the English exam is he can't write so he put hes head against hes arm and falling a sleep. When he is asleep he dream about hes little brother that is 11 years old and hes name is John, he dreams that John has a couple of friends home with him and they play hide and seek, that hes friends are looking and John are hiding he runs into hes bedroom and hide in hes cupboard between some clothes and stuffs like that. The friends start do scream out hes name after a while and that the house been set on fire, and more i can't say.

måndag 17 september 2012

newsreel 1

Those who are blind can be doing disabled sports.

Swedish judges cant sentence anyone to death penalty.

Sweden has a parliament as a lot of another countries.

The boys wear underpants.

If girls has just one arm they have a physical disability.

The winner of the olympic games are running with the olympic torch.

To perform you have to sign up.

There are rare flowers in the world.

There going to abolish the death penalty in india.

Have you been in the prison.

I ban you to go out with that girl.

I have views and opinions about the death penalty in India.

fredag 7 september 2012

Grammar exercises

This period you got a new teacher and that is me; Lena. When I studied to become a teacher, I studied at a university in the Northern parts of Sweden. I enjoyed living there and I had an enormous luck, finding a place to live.

That was the best time of my life, because I could go to the movies even if it was an ordinary Tuesday and I could go exercising at 9 o'clock in the mornings. Me and my friend Helena were always going to a place called IKSU to exercise. We were not alone. There were thousands of other students going there too.

I have never regretted that I studied to become a teacher. My friend, Helena, also studied to become a teacher but now she has changed her mind and is now working as a librarian. That thought has never crossed my mind.

So, I won't tell you more about my years in Umeå which I enjoyed so much. Instead I will tell you about my family. I have a son and a daughter who are five and eight years old. My son likes to play a computer game that is called World of tanks. We also have a dog that is black and which likes to lay in the middle of the sun during the summer. We also have a cat. And four sheep. And ten fish. And I have a husband who likes to chop firewood.

torsdag 6 september 2012


Jag jobbade med Ida och vi gjorde Hönökakor.

25 g jäst
1 msk margarin
2 dl mjölk
1/2 tsk salt
1 msk sirap
 2 1/2 - 3 dl vetemjöl
1 tsk bakpulver

Baka så här
Sätt ugn på 300°.
jästen smulas ner i en bakbunke.

Smöret smältes i en kastrull.
Mjölk hälles i låt degspadet bli 37° varmt och häll det över jästen rör om med en träslev.

Salt och sirap tillsättes och rörs om.

Mjölet tillsätt först den mindre mängden mjöl. Arbeta degen smidig och tillsätt ev mer mjöl.

Låt degen jäsa i bunken ca 10 min.

Smörj två plåtar eller lägg på bakplåtspapper.

Bakpulver strös över degen som knådas smidig på mjölat bakbord.

Dela degen i två delar som formas runda. Låt dem ligga på bakbordet med bakduk över att jäsa i ca 10 min.

Kavla ut utan att knåda degen till två stora 1/2 cm tjocka, runda kakor. Använd gärna en kruskavel. Kakorna naggas med en brödnagg eller med en gaffel.

Grädda brödet genast mitt i ugnen. Tid 3-5 min. Låt brödet svalna på ett galler med bakduk över.

Dem blev bra och smaka bra men min blev lite på linjen innan den skulle blivit bränd.

måndag 3 september 2012

There is/There are

Jag har inte lärt mig så mycket men jag är säkrare nu när jag ska skriva om det så nu går det bra med om det är många så ska det vara there are och om det är en så ska det stå there is.

torsdag 30 augusti 2012

Bakade Blåbärsmuffins/vaniljmuffins

50 g margarin
2 1/2 dl vetemjöl
2 tsk bakpulver
2 ägg
1 1/2 dl strösocker
1/2 dl vatten eller mjölk

1. 2 tsk vaniljsocker
2. 2 msk kakao + 1 msk vaniljsocker

Gör så här
1. Sätt ugn på 225° ställ 15-20 former på en plåt.
2. smält smör och låt svalna.
3. blanda det torra + smatillsats förutom sockret i en skål.
4. Vispa ägg och socker poröst i en annan större skål.
5. Rör ner mjölblandningen.
6. Rör ner smöret i äggsmeten.
7. Rör ner vatten eller mjölk i smeten.
8. Häll upp smeten i formarna ungefär 2/3 fyllda.
9. Ställ in plåten mitt i ugnen i cirka 10 min.
10. Kontrollera med provnål om kakorna är färdiga. Om det är torrt så är den färdig.
11. Lägg muffinsen på ett bakgaller.

Jag jobbade med Fernanda och det gick bra dem blev jätte bra.
Jag har inte lärt mig någonting.

fredag 24 augusti 2012

Skapat blogg

Hallå tjenare tjenare! Det är joel här och jag ska vara er värd här på denna skolbloggen. Men måste sluta nu byebye bloggen.